Every user acquisition manager knows how itching it is to find keywords that bring installs. But, there is another thing that is even more challenging: ‘’Using tons of keywords but getting low installs’’.

We seem to hear you saying ‘’What is the solution for it?’’ Actually, the answer is so simple ‘’Knowing what keywords are being used by your competitors’’.Then, I have great news for you. In our platform, we enable you to track your competitor’s both paid and organic keywords and also add them to your keyword list. Let’s dig how we can help you hunt their keywords.

Let’s say you are a user acquisition manager who is in charge of driving more users to a meditation app. It would be good to check top Health & Fitness advertisers to be aware of your competitors. Top advertisers are ranked by the Search Ads score.

Let’s see top advertisers:

top advertisers

Top Advertisers

Reflectly: Self-Care Journal’s visibility score is 95 which is quite high as it can be 100 at most. You may want to find out their paid keywords as they seem to be performing well based on their high Search Ads visibility score. Let’s dig in their Apple Search Ads keywords to unveil their paid UA strategy.

It’s very simple. You can do it in just 2 steps:

First Step for Paid Keywords

Just write down Reflectly: Self-Care Journal on the search bar of the ‘’Search by App” section in which you can get the data about what a particular app is bidding in a specific country as well as the other countries they are bidding. Let’s say you set the country as ‘’US’’. Now you can see all paid keywords for this app in the US. It is actively running Apple Search Ads in 42 countries and it has 26,786 paid keywords. This might be a desirable source for your keywords and you can add them to your keyword list by clicking plus sign on the left of the keywords by considering the popularity score of them.

search by app

Search by app

Let’s analyze together in detail,

  • Let’s take the keyword having the highest popularity score with 72, “calm’’. The impression share of ‘’Reflectly: Self-Care Journal’’ with this keyword is 3.3%. The popularity score shows how popular this keyword is based on its search volume. It means the higher search popularity of a keyword, the more times it has been searched. It can be interpreted that the keyword is a highly popular keyword for Health & Fitness apps as it can be 100 at most. In the end, you can think that it would be rational to bid on this keyword.
  • You can also see the impression shares of the other apps for this keyword in the next column. Might be good to know other competitors in the market so that you can build your own strategies for your keywords.
  • In the organic rank column, you can understand that this app is not ranking organically with this keyword or ’Reflectly: Self-Care Journal’’  is not ranking in the first 250. That can tell us the app is bidding high on this keyword since it is not ranking organically.
  • 3349 apps are ranking with this keyword either organically or by bidding, which can tell us this keyword is really competitive.

After that, you may want to make a deeper analysis for another relevant keyword for your app “meditation’’. You can see which apps are ranking for this keyword. You can track other Health & Fitness apps using this keyword on the search bar of the ‘’Search by Keyword’’ section.

search by keyword

Search by keyword

The list starts from the ones having the highest impression share with this keyword to the lowest impression share.

  • Breethe Meditation & Sleep is at the top of the list as they are getting the highest impression. They are ranking organically at 14th place. Also, their visibility score is high.
  • Want to see the other competitors? Take a look at the whole list. Apps such as Headspace: Meditation & Sleep are ranking organically with “meditation’’. Its organic rank is the highest since it is 1.
  • You can also infer that  Breethe:  Meditation & Sleep runs Apple Search Ads quite aggressively by looking at their total number of paid keywords, as it is 27,167.

Let’s analyze the metrics on the top of the table in detail;

  1. The number of apps demonstrates the apps ranking organically with “meditation’’ is 7,817 in our case which can be considered as high.
  2. The chance score shows the probability of any app to rank in the Top 10 results.100 means the easiest keyword to rank. It is 51 for “meditation’’. The possibility of being seen is not that powerful with this keyword as it is an average score.
  3. Apps running ads shows the number of apps bidding with this keyword. The number is 14 for “meditation’’. We can also say that the number is low.

Second Click for Organic Keywords

Later on, let’s get back to one of our competitors Reflectly: Self-Care Journal. Say you wanted to monitor the organic keywords of it. You may want to bid on their keywords, then you should move to the organic keyword hunt section and find the keywords there.

It has 2,081 organic keywords in the United States. You can add all those by just clicking the plus sign on the left of the keywords and start running ads.

Let’s decide whether you add the keyword “uno’’  keyword to your paid keyword list:

organic keyword ranking

Organic Keyword Ranking

  • The chance score is 52. We can’t deduce that it is highly seen by this keyword as 52 is average.
  • Popularity is 67 which means it apparently has a high search volume as the higher is the better. It has the highest popularity score among the other organically ranking keywords.
  • 76,311 apps are ranking with the keyword, it is a huge number. You can think of it as a highly popular keyword for the Health & Fitness category.
  • 22th of July, the organic ranking of Reflectly: Self-Care Journal for ‘’uno’’ is 113, it was 115 the day before. The lower the better, its ranking increased by 2. It is at a better rank.

Let’s say you couldn’t decide whether to add “uno’’ or not, despite analyzing the data. You may want to analyze some specific metrics for your keywords. You can apply filters to the keywords as shown in the screenshot below:

range filters

Range Filters

With the help of this, you can meet your specific needs from keywords.

Finally, after my analysis is done, I can easily add these keywords to my list and start running ads!

run ads

Run Ads

Benefits of Paid and Organic Keyword Hunt

Once you apply all the steps we mentioned above, you don’t need to worry about how to discover new keywords anymore. Your competitors would be spending time to find out the well-performing keywords. The only thing you are going to do is to track their efforts and outcomes then take action!

We would love to help you get ahead of the competition by analyzing your competitors’ paid and organic keywords. Schedule a demo to learn more about what you can do more with SearchAds.com’s features!