Like any advertiser, we wish to be able to manage well-performing campaigns from the day we have started running them. However, the process of optimizing a campaign never ends! Especially for the ones who are running more than one campaign at multiple storefronts. For those of you, offers automation rules to scale your Apple Search Ads campaigns by tracking Apple Search Ads metrics, your KPI(Key Performance Indicators), and our value proposition for in-app activities that we get from MMP to take bulk actions for adjusting the budget, keywords, and many others automatically!

We have gathered the best practices for optimizing campaigns and turned them into actionable automation templates. With those new templates released on the platform, tracking and automating ad activities have become easier than ever. You can adjust or recreate your automation based on the suggestions we give in order to better scale your campaigns.

So, you will be saving a lot of time to implement your own choices and manage your campaigns accordingly.

Now, where can you see those templates? Once you have clicked on the “Automation” tap on the left side of the dashboard, you will be directed to the automation rules page.

You can click on the “Create Automation Rule” button and “Open Templates” to see the ready-made automation rule templates.

automation rules tab

So now, let’s see which metrics you can adjust with the new templates.

new automation rules templates


With Apple Search Ads, you are setting a budget for each of your campaigns for a specific period of time. Once you have started running your campaigns, you are only able to adjust your budget by increasing it. But you can either increase or decrease the predetermined daily caps for each campaign accordingly with the performance of your campaigns.

We have prepared an automation rule ready for you to scale your well-performing campaigns by increasing your daily caps based on your spending and CPA.

Scale Well Performing Campaigns (Daily Caps)

Assume that your campaigns started to run effectively by meeting with your expected CPA, you might want to consider increasing your daily caps to further generate revenue. With one simple click, you will be able to create an automation rule that will help you to scale well-performing campaigns automatically.

If you would like to continue with the suggested automation rule, you can select the app you would like to apply this and click on the “Create Rule Draft” as shown below.

based on daily caps scale well performing campaigns

Once you click it, your automation rule draft will appear on the rules pages.

where to click to edit an automation rule

You can click and edit the automation rule with the button shown above accordingly with your specific needs such as your expected KPIs.

how to edit automation rule

Consider your current daily budget is $100 and you have managed to optimize your CPA. Now, it’s time to scale your well-performing campaigns by increasing your daily cap and generate revenue even more! As shown in the above screenshot, the automation templates have made it ready for you to create automation.

All you have to do is start running them by clicking on the toggle at the automation rules page or you can also activate it while editing the automation rule because it comes as a passive one as a default.

Moreover, the whole aim of those automation rules is to save time for you. And, with automation templates, we aim to show you the best practices for optimizing campaigns via automation rules and make sure that you do not check each campaign one by one. If you would still like to be notified about the actions that are taken automatically, you can always have an email notification so that you will be notified once an action is taken by the automation. If you would not prefer it, you can easily delete that action from the trash can button next to it.

You can also consider adding more metrics or change the present one and easily update the automation rule and create more detailed templates.

Once you have created the automation rules based on the suggested templates, all you have to do is activate them with one simple click at the rules tab. Then the rest will be taken care of with our system so that you will not have to check regularly to see if your daily cap should be increased or not.

Optimize Bid Amounts

The more automation rules applied to your campaigns, the more you will have time to optimize your campaigns without working manually. While running any campaign, optimizing bid amounts helps you to mark your spot at the market among your competitors with generic and competitor keywords. And, also to find the sweet spot of your brand keyword bids that will help you to protect your brand name. Those bid amounts are adjustable with the insights you receive during your campaign management.

The scenarios to decide whether to increase or decrease the bids will depend on your KPI and that will help you to improve your account.

Based on the suggestions, you can consider increasing your bid amounts once you want to scale your campaigns based on your expected CPAs. Or you can consider decreasing your bid amounts to optimize the low performing keywords as well.

Scale Well Performing Campaigns (CPA-Based)

based on cpa scale well performing campaigns

For instance, let’s say that your acceptable CPA is $20 but your average CPA is $12 at a particular campaign level. Moreover, let’s say that you have approximately 10 Install per keyword with CPA<20. So, in order to boost more traffic and bring higher conversion rates from the already well-performing keywords that are bringing more than 10 Installs, you can consider using this already created automation with the following metrics:

  • Condition: Install>10 & CPA<$20
  • Action: Increase bid 5% until $30

This will help you to lower the manual work by scaling well-performing keywords based on your CPA. Or, you can take an opposite action with the template that is suggested below and optimize the keywords that are relatively not performing well for your campaign.

Optimize Low Performing Keywords (CPA-Based)

based on cpa optimize low performing keywords

Those suggested automation rules can further be changed or developed according to your key metrics as well. Let’s assume that you want to receive more impressions for the keywords that do not bring any, you can consider increasing your bids by changing the automation rules’ condition. In that case, you need to adjust the below metrics:

  • Condition: If Taps <1 in the Last 2 Days (Inc. Today)
  • Action: Increase bid 5% until $50

Such automation rules will help you to observe the keywords that do not have enough volume or help you to scale your campaigns better that have enough volume with acceptable KPI.


One of the easiest ways to track your campaigns’ performance based on in-app events is by getting notifications from each of the changes, even at the times you are not able to track the performance of your account.

In that sense, you can use the suggested automation templates to get notifications for the metrics you would like to keep track of.

Assume that your KPI is $25 for Cost per Goal and you would like to make sure that your keywords Cost Per Goal will not exceed that amount.

how to add email notification to automation rules template

You can either edit an automation rule which you have already selected from the new templates to optimize your keywords and change the condition based on the CPG. So that you will be able to optimize the keywords that have a relatively high Cost per Goal for you and edit the automation rule to add an email notification as shown.

Or, instead of taking such an action, you can prefer to receive an email notification so that you can intervene and take action at that moment.

new automation rules templates based on notifications

As listed above, we have made some of them for you, but you can update the metric based on your preferences as well.


Keywords are considered as the main actors for any campaign. Thus, most of the actions are taken towards keywords to run effective campaigns and to optimize their performances. It is crucial to be able to keep track of the keywords that are not bringing any impressions and taps for a long time or the ones that are spending too much without bringing any conversion. Here are some suggested templates to take easier actions;

Pause Low-Performing Keywords (TTR-Based)

based on ttr pause low performing keywords

Assume that you receive an acceptable amount of impression and let’s say that it’s around 500 for the past 7 days but your Tap Through Rate is less than 3%. Such suggested templates will help you to pause the keywords that are not bringing enough taps for a long time. This automation will help you not to go over the keywords one by one and works as a bulk action to make you save time.

Furthermore, you can create an email notification so that you will have the list of keywords that are paused at the actions sections while you are editing the automation rule.

Pause Low-Performing Keywords (Goal-Based)

based on number of goals pause low performing keywords

You can consider pausing low-performing keywords based on metrics other than  TTR or Goal as well. Instead of tracking those keywords manually, such automation rules will help you to catch and pause the keywords that are not well-performing for your campaign.

Main Benefits with those New Features:

  • Encourages users to create more automation rules
  • Minimizes manual activity
  • Cost and time effective
  • Enables to track, manage and run multiple campaigns easily and automatically at the same time
  • Improves the account with automation rules based on your KPI

As, we are seeking new features each day to make it much easier for you to run your campaigns efficiently. We would be happy to guide you through those new features and help you discover many other features as well. You can find out what features we have, with the most recent and effective ones by scheduling a demo with us.